I wanted to write something aimed especially at young people. Currently, our young people go through very adverse situations and adults can advise them. If some bold adult is reading this, well, it would be a good idea to share it with his or her child, grandchild, nephew, etc.
Dear young man, a few years ago (about three decades to be more exact), a book came into my hands that I liked a lot and that guided me as a young man. The book was called “The Forge of Men” and the author was: Tomas Morales, SJ. Fortunately, this book is already available on Amazon for only 8 dollars. Believe me that they will be a very good investment and that they will guide you in your life. (Oh, and also remember that you must use Amazon Smile and choose the Binational Pro-family Pro-life League as a beneficiary).
I remember very well the central axis of the book, which was “Four Cardinal Points” that will help you in your life and your human and Christian formation.
The four cardinal points of which the author spoke are Mystique of Demand, Combative Spirit, Cultivation in Reflection, and Education in Constancy.
I make a small summary of each one of them, with the hope that interest is aroused and you go to read the book.
Mystique of Demand, Combative Spirit, Cultivation in Reflection, and Education in Constancy Tomas Morales, SJ
The mystique of Demand: In the culture of comfort and entertainment that we live in today, you must learn (without your parents being behind you) to demand of yourself. Realize that you are no longer a child. Strive to be a better Christian, son, brother, student, etc. This is achieved with small details such as, getting up early and as soon as the alarm clock rings, making your bed (without your parents telling you), cleaning up quickly (don’t take too long), doing your homework, and even volunteering with your mother or dad to see what else is offered.
Combative Spirit: The requirement goes hand in hand with combat. Realize that you have to fight many battles in your life. Spiritual, moral, physical, cultural battles, etc. (many battles are generally with yourself). Many times you also have to defend others, such as the weakest and most vulnerable (for example, babies who have not been born yet, or the elderly). This is accomplished through works of sacrifice and mercy. For example, voluntary fasts (from food or entertainment) or exercising.
Cultivation of Reflection: The young person is usually impulsive by nature. However, in life, the best decisions are made with reflection. Thinking before acting. But do not abuse the reflection, there comes a time when the decision must be made. This is accomplished by exercising rigorous thinking, reading more, meditating, praying, and contemplating.
Education in Constancy: It is easy to demand yourself once, or a few days, it is easy to fight a fight, the difficult thing is to do it always, for an indefinite period, or forever. This is constancy. This is accomplished… by trying, always trying. This is an act of the will.
There is much to say about this book. It would be a series of various writings and discussions. But I just wanted to get your attention to read this book. It is a countercultural and politically incorrect book. This is what I like the most. Help swim against the current.
Dear young people, I know that the environment in which you develop is very difficult. There are many strange “ideas” that make you doubt or perhaps disturb you. The compass of your life should orient it to Christ. Remember that Christ left His Church here to guide us. You are not alone in this sea of confusion. We have many people interested in your success, but above all, and most importantly: that you get to Heaven. In other words, to be holy.
“If we think and live according to our communion with Christ, then our eyes will be opened. Then we will no longer be content to scrape a living just for ourselves, but we will see where and how we are needed. Living and acting thus, we will soon realize that it is much better to be useful and at the disposal of others than to be concerned only with the comforts that are offered to us. I know that you as young people have great aspirations, that you want to pledge yourselves to build a better world. Let others see this, let the world see it, since this is exactly the witness that the world expects from the disciples of Jesus Christ; in this way, and through your love above all, the world will be able to discover the star that we follow as believers. Let us go forward with Christ and let us live our lives as true worshippers of God” Benedict XVI, 8/21/2005